Well•Being Wednesdays: Loving Kindness Meditation
Hello friends!
I am excited to commit to Well•Being Wednesdays through the rest of 2020. This is a commitment to myself and to you, a little space of peace + healing + comfort + joy where you can learn new meditations, short sequences of yoga poses, breathing exercises, self-massage techniques and healthy recipes!
My offering for you today, Week 1 of Well•Being Wednesday: A Loving Kindness Meditation, or Metta Meditation. "Metta" in Sanskrit means positive energy and kindness towards others. You know what's going on. You know we can use it right now.
There are many versions of this meditation but today I will offer you one that is simple, straight forward and easy to remember. Now find a cozy place to sit and plan to spend the next 10 - 30 minutes in your meditation!
Start with centering and clearing the space: close your eyes, take a few deep breaths to help quiet your mind, still your body and bring yourself into the present moment.
When you are ready, repeat to yourself (silently or out loud):
May I be safe
May I be happy
May I be healthy
May I live in this world with joy and peace.
Repeat 3 times
Now picture in your mind's eye someone you love and care deeply about. Say to them:
May you be safe
May you be happy
May you be healthy
May you live in this world with joy and peace.
Repeat 3 times
Now picture someone neutral in your life, your mail person, barista, your yoga teacher. Say to them:
May you be safe
May you be happy
May you be healthy
May you live in this world with joy and peace
Repeat 3 times
Now think of someone you do not get along with, someone that you have anger towards. Say to them:
May you be safe
May you be happy
May you be healthy
May you live in this world with joy and peace.
Repeat 3 times
Now bring to mind your community, city, country. Say to them:
May we be safe
May we be happy
May we be healthy
May we live in this world with joy and peace.
Repeat 3 times
Finally, bring to mind all beings on Earth:
May we be safe
May we be happy
May we be healthy
May we live in this world with joy and peace.
Repeat 3 times
Sit with this sensation for as long as you want. When you're ready, deepen your breath, observe how you feel, and take your time coming out of your meditation.